Thursday, January 28, 2010


What do you tolerate? first glance, the list may seem rather small, but look deeper.

How about the crack in the mirror?  Or...the 3 emails in your inbox that you don't want to deal with or feel to guilty to delete?  There is always that conversation you have been avoiding.   If you pulled out a pen and a legal pad and started listing all of the little and big things you tolerate...I think you would be surprised.

The truth is that all of those little things eat at you day after day after day.  They seem harmless...they are so little and their bites don't even hurt.  However, one day you wake up stressed out of your mind realizing that a chunk of your heart, soul, and life is missing.  The number one question I get asked is, "How did this happen?"

You kept tolerating things until your boat sunk!!  That allowed to many passengers on board.

So...what can you do?  It is really simple.  Grab that pen and paper and start writing.  Keep writing...and when you wake up tomorrow write some more. When you wake up the day after tomorrow...write some more.  You need to make an exhaustive list of all of the things, people, circumstances, etc that you are tolerating in your life.

Then once you recover from the shock of seeing all the junk you've been carrying around...take a deep breath.  Now, pull out the pen...yes...once again.  Right next to each item try to identify how long it would take you to solve and/or eliminate this tolerance.  My guess is that there are some that you can just scratch out and decide not to worry about anymore.  Others can be checked off this weekend.  In the next 90 days, you could probably downsize your tolerations to a manageable few items.

If you follow these will have opened a lot of emotional real estate in your life.  All of the items on your list will not be easy and there are a few that will stay listed forever.  But, if you can cut the items you tolerate in will regain chunks of life you don't even realize that you've lost.

For more information...find a Life Coach to help you walk through the process...or email me...happy "no more tolerating."

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