Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Day of the Kings

As a family, we celebrate the day of the kings. On the 12th day of Christmas, Jan 6, some Latino cultures celebrate the giving of gifts to coincide with the day the kings gave their gifts to the baby Jesus.

A few years ago in the attempt to get out of the commercialized nightmare that Christmas can become...we made a switch. On Christmas eve, we open the gifts given to us by relatives and friends. On Christmas day, we spend the day reflecting on the Christmas story, Jesus, and family. Most years we even bake a cake...it helps our youngest to grasp what's going on. Some years we bake tons of cookies and deliver them to people who have to work on Christmas.

On the day of the kings, we recount the story and share gifts like the wise men / kings did with Jesus. Of course, we also throw in a feast. Most years it's crab legs, shrimp, and steak. This year Kristina surprised me with oysters as well.

Tonight was the night! We fed ourselves like kings, then we shared gifts. The cool part is I don't feel that I'm overshadowing the purpose of Christmas. And Christmas goes from being 1 big day to 12 days of celebrating the arrival of our Savior.

A great by product is that our family buys all of its gifts at around 50% off the week after Christmas.

All in all, we are trying to create signposts throughout the year that point us back to God. There is a lot of time to wander with just Easter and Christmas.


Rita Loca said...

That sounds like a wonderful plan. And meal.

kristina said...

Oh what fun it is to ride this journey with you!

Rita Loca said...

I gave you a link today!