Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Top 10 List #1 (Negative Things Learned)

This is the first of several top 10 Lists I plan to publish...this will let me get a lot out of my system in a efficient manner.

These reflect things learned over the last 10 years of church leadership, or relearned this year) (If you are bothered by any of them...spend some time soul searching before calling...lol)

1. When someone says that its a 99.9% to 0.1 % that something will not happen...prepare to get the snot beat out of you with a pitiful 0.1%.

2. When people promise...get it in writing...then get a witness...so you will have someone to talk to when it doesn't happen.

3. How ironic that my generation can deconstruct centuries of Christianity without giving a dime or an hour, but call the sincere actions of those who give and volunteer at Sunday School legalistic??

4. It amazes me how the internal system that gets us to school and work on time, and helps us not forget the most remote facts...never seems to work on Sundays or when it their time for nursery.

5. Normally, those who are stoked about the vision always have something else more important to do, and those who rarely speak get the vision done!

6. What is committed to at a planning meeting can almost always be assumed to be a momentary lapse in judgement!

7. Most people of my generation are all about a relationship with God, but don't bother to explore how God defines that...they assume they can define it for themselves.

8. If traditional church is so wrong...what do we have to show for all our right?

9. A lot of people say. "I'm all about freeing people to embrace Jesus...as long as you don't ask me to (insert...pretty much whatever)".

10. I've learned that you value what you put your time and money into; therefore, the church normally isn't worth more than cable.


kristina said...

hmmm...well said.

Tricia said...

Gee, I'm ashamed to say that I might even resemble some of those remarks...