Tuesday, April 15, 2008

back to the future...

Many moons ago, I discovered Blogger and became an active blogger. It was early 2000 when I first experienced the thrill of blogging.

However, over time it became a ranting place. Life took over, and blogging had to take a back seat. I've attempted several comebacks, but nothing seemed quite right. But, I'm returning to the blog address where it all started and we are launching all over again.

Welcome to ForeignCulture!

I'll be customizing the blog as I go...


Esteban said...

A ranting place! I thought that's what blogging was all about--ranting. Mostly because almost no one will ever read our blogs (except for some lunatic friends out of the past!) I'm looking forward to some rants! Steve Fasold, aka pastordude

Tobias Valdez said...

Okay, so I missed the come back party! But I at least had to drop a line on the first post (well, this first post anyway)

Consider yourself linked to anything I do in the blogosphere!