Thursday, March 26, 2009

Don't Brag

Proverbs 27:1 Don’t brashly announce what you’re going to do tomorrow; you don’t know the first thing about tomorrow.

It shocks me at how often I'm deciding and announcing what I'll be doing tomorrow when I don't even have control over today. God desires for us to follow Him on a moment by moment basis, yet I tend to want the highlight version.

The movie "Click It" starring Adam Sandler highlights this reality for me. So often, I just want to jump ahead to the planned future (my plans). It is especially tempting when I'm going through something that really sucks. However; it is God who decides human destiny, and it is God who knows what I need to become the follower of Jesus that he desires to shape me into.

Father, teach me to live more in the moment with you. I tend to get so ahead of what you are doing in and around me right now. Especially with my kids...don't let me get ahead of myself and forget to teach them to follow your ways...don't allow me to get so far ahead that they miss out on seeing me live it out in front of them in the now.

James 4 :12 says, "God is in charge of deciding human destiny. Who do you think you are to meddle in the destiny of others? Nothing but a Wisp of Fog 13 And now I have a word for you who brashly announce, “Today—at the latest, tomorrow—we’re off to such and such a city for the year. We’re going to start a business and make a lot of money.” 14 You don’t know the first thing about tomorrow. You’re nothing but a wisp of fog, catching a brief bit of sun before disappearing. 15 Instead, make it a habit to say, “If the Master wills it and we’re still alive, we’ll do this or that.” 16 As it is, you are full of your grandiose selves. All such vaunting self-importance is evil."

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